
Love Yourself to Life


Published 12 months ago • 1 min read

Happy Day Reader!

I hope your week is going better than you could've ever imagined and that you have plans for self-care this weekend. You know I'm all about taking time to refresh and do something that's just for you.

On Sunday, two significant things happened.

First, Love Yourself to Life was relaunched with updated services and webpage. If you haven't had time to connect to the webpage, here's the link below for you. With the relaunch email, there was an opportunity to win an Amazon gift card. One of the subscribers responded very quickly to the email and claimed her gift card. Congratulations!!!

Second, I attended the fifth annual Women of Orlando (W.O.O.) Luncheon and met some beautiful women. You know me--those uninvited and unexpected tears started to flow. I received a caring touch at just the right moment with the question "Are you ok?" Now, if you know me, you already know that I am a very transparent person and that moment did not deserve for me to hide behind the mask of "Yes, I'm fine." God placed me in the right seat, at the right table, and with the right women. He connected me with them, not just for the moments of the event, but to continue to get to know them and have a community here in Orlando. I'm going to meet some of the women from the event on Sunday and am looking forward to growing in friendship because that's what I've been missing since I moved to Orlando two years ago.

Reader, hopefully, you have a community of women supporting, praying, uplifting, challenging, encouraging, and correcting you. That's one of the premises of Love Yourself to Life. When we love each other to life, we are doing exactly what I just mentioned. I've almost been loved to death by a shooting, stabbing, and being beaten to hospitalization and lost memory. You can see now why I don't like the saying "I love you to death." I want me and you to be loved to life!

As you enter into the weekend, look for ways to love someone to life. It doesn't have to be with anything monetary. It can be a kind gesture, a compliment, or encouraging someone. You never know how your actions can brighten up someone's heart and place a smile on their face. I know it helped me on Sunday. Thank you W.O.O. Sister Friends.

Remember to Love Yourself to Life!

Dr. Monica

Love Yourself to Life

In a world filled with constant demands and pressures, finding the time and guidance to prioritize self-care and self-love can feel overwhelming. That's where Love Yourself to Life steps in as your daily dose of empowerment and self-nurturing. As a survivor of domestic violence and a suicide attempt, I know the work it takes to heal and provide support for subscribers.

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